Assembly Commission



Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Tŷ Hywel



Monday, 9 February 2015







Minutes:  AC(4)2015(3)




Commission Members:


Dame Rosemary Butler AM (Chair)

Peter Black AM

Angela Burns AM

Sandy Mewies AM

Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM






Officials present:


Claire Clancy, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Assembly

Adrian Crompton, Director of Assembly Business

Craig Stephenson, Director of Commission Services

Dave Tosh, Director of Resources

Non Gwilym, Head of Communications

Kevin Tumelty, Head of Security







Others in attendance:


Jon Stratford, Assistant Chief Constable, South Wales Police

Josh Jones, Chief Superintendent, South Wales Police

Simon Rees, Wales Counter Terrorism Unit

Inspector Ian Mackenzie, South Wales Police






1    Introduction




1.1         Introduction and apologies


The Deputy Presiding Officer had sent apologies.




1.2         Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.




1.3         Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of 29 January were agreed.




2    Security Briefing Update


The Commission received a presentation by Simon Rees entitled ‘Stay Safe’ which had been viewed by around 300 Assembly staff the previous week.  The video and presentation had been supported by additional guidance. Commissioners were keen that all occupants of our buildings would be sufficiently briefed on the matter. It was confirmed that plans were being drawn up to share the video and guidance with Members, party groups and support staff as soon as possible over the coming weeks. 


Following the meeting on 29 January, South Wales Police had provided further information on options for security on the estate.  These were considered by the Commission.  Commissioners agreed that the enhancements should be made with immediate effect and a communications plan agreed with the Police. 


Commissioners requested a fuller paper on security issues, including security vetting, which will be provided at the Commission meeting in April. 




3    Engaging with the people of Wales


The Commission considered a paper providing an update on public engagement activities. Commissioners recognised that there was a significant level of on-going activity across the Assembly Commission, though it would be a challenge to deliver the ambitious programme of activities before the end of the Fourth Assembly.  Commissioners were pleased to hear about examples of ground-breaking activity, such as the work to promote our committees, which is considered to be the envy of other parliaments.  They agreed that future updates should provide the detailed analysis that supports this position.


Noting that hyper-local and social media were important developments and form part of a larger package of communications to reach new and traditional audiences, Commissioners agreed that their annual report should demonstrate how far-reaching and effective these and other engagement activities had been. 


The Commission agreed that the strategic direction and priorities identified for the engagement work were the right ones and that they were content with the details of delivery activity through to the end of the Assembly which the paper provided. 




4    Any other business




The Commission’s next meeting will be on Thursday, 5 March 2015, when Commissioners will focus on preparations for transition to the Fifth Assembly.

